Tag: raireads
RaiReads: Books by black authors to vary your reading
#BlackLivesMatter -
RaiReads: I started a Booktube channel
Something I had been toying with since before Christmas last year was the idea of starting a #booktube channel because I thought I might be able to get more out of that than simply writing up reviews on GoodReads and cross-posting them over here. What is #booktube? It’s people on YouTube talking about books and reading and everything that goes with it. When we went into lockdown and after a few weeks adjusting I had extra energy to read and do other things I enjoy. As a student I have a short period of free access to Creative Cloud so I thought, why not?
Below is my ‘Welcome to the Channel’ video and I will embed the videos in posts on this site going forward for one handy central collection of my written & video reading journeys.