SPSFC 2: Intro
As I mentioned in my last post, I have joined up with some fellow book bloggers as a judging team for SPSFC 2! What is it though? It is a competition (free to enter) for self-published sci-fi novels, where 300 are whittled down to one winner. It’s the same format as Mark Lawrence’s SPFBO and is run/organised by Hugh Howey and Duncan Swan. There are 10 teams of judges, we each get a selection of books to read and recommend; then we later swap our top 3 with other teams until there’s a group of finalists. For full details, please check out the official site here.
We are team Wayward Stars and Jamedi put together a post over on his site to introduce the team: https://vueltaspodcast.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/introducing-wayward-stars-spsfc2/
He has also handily put together a Goodreads’ shelf including all of our team’s phase one slush pile: https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/179207.SPSFC2_Wayward_Stars
Before reading officially begins all teams were asked to put forward 10 covers from their allocation for the Cover Contest, which is now open for public votes! Check out the covers and rate them online here: https://pollunit.com/polls/l5bh0v3k1tetxl-4ja0r4a
That’s all for this quick introduction to the contest – I will be back soon to show you my list of allocations for phase one.
Take care & keep reading!
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