Reading Challenge 2019: wrap-up
Part way through the year I compiled myself a list of prompts and stipulations as reading challenges. Now that we’re at the end of 2019, it’s time to see how I did!
Core Challenges: 5 points each
- A book with ‘cat(s)’ in the title: ‘If Cats Disappeared from the World’
- Set in space: ‘The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet’
- Set in Scandinavia: ‘The Twisted Tree’
- Published this year (2019): ‘I Know Everything’
- Published before you were born: ‘The Wasp Factory’
A ghost storyA story with dragons- A non-fiction book: ‘We Should All be Feminists’
- A comic or graphic novel: ‘Wolverine: Infinity Watch’
- A translated book: ‘If Cats Disappeared from the World’
- A book you know nothing about: ‘I Know Everything’
- A book someone recommended to you personally: ‘The Wasp Factory’
- Tagged LGBT on Goodreads: ‘They/Them’ & ‘The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet’
- A debut novel: ‘The Wasp Factory’
- A sequel: ‘Head On’
- …with a two word title: ‘Ghost Wall’
- An audiobook: ‘Lock In’
- …from an author from Asia, Africa or Latin America: ‘If Cats Disappeared from the World’
- A book over 500 pages long: ‘Killing Floor’
- …that is also (or shortly will be) a movie/TV Series: ‘Sharp Objects’
TOTAL: 90/100
Bonus Challenges: 10 points each
- A multi-author book (translators don’t count): ‘They/Them’
…in a genre you don’t normally choose- Read more than one translated or International book during the year: ‘If Cats Disappeared from the World’ & ‘We Should all be Feminists’
- A book you’ve owned for more than 5 years (and haven’t read yet): ‘Play Dead’
A “book to read before you die”
TOTAL: 120/150
Know Thy Enemy Ultra Challenge: 50 points
Read a book by an author you actively dislike
GRAND TOTAL: 120/200
The two ‘Core’ challenges that I didn’t get done (ghosts and dragon) I will put into the list of prompts for a 2020 Reading Challenge along with whatever else I can think of or lift from other people’s challenge lists.
I did have an author in mind for the Ultra Challenge and may try and read them next year.
Overall I think I will ditch the multi-tiered approach with different point values and go for a much simpler, single list for 2020 as while 90/100 sounds good; 120/200 doesn’t sound as good.
My Goodreads Reading Challenge target is 24 books and I’m going to pick 5 or 6 titles that I will say I definitely want to tackle in 2020. I plan to do a separate post delving more into the new challenge list and my reading aims for the year as I’ve got a couple of reading-related ideas to explore too. Good luck to everyone else out there with your reading goals for 2020!